Video Gallery

The Benedita Pendulum

The "Flintstone" Pendulum @ ECB.

The "Flintstone" Pendulum @ ECB in small angle motion.

Colisione (linear momentum conservation)

A simple run of the colisione experiment.

A run of the colisione experiment. The car on the left has more power than the one on the right.

A run of the colisione experiment. The car on the right has more power than the one on the left.

A run of the colisione experiment. Both cars have the same power.

A run of the colisione experiment. Here, the webcam follows the center of mass.

A run of the colisione experiment. The webcam follows the car on the left.

A run of the colisione experiment. The webcam follows the car on the right.

g (free fall)

A run of the g experiment with low launching power.

A run of the g experiment with medium launching power.

A run of the g experiment with high launching power.

Inertia (angular momentum conservation)

A simple run of the inertia experiment.

World Pendulum

The start of a World pendulum motion.

PV (Boyle-Mariotte law)

A simple run of the Boyle-Mariotte experiment.

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