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Frequently asked questions about e-lab.

About e-lab

How do I register? Do I NEED to register to use e-lab?

Registering is only necessary to make a reservation, for instance, if you wish to ensure access to a certain experiment at a certain date. If that's not the case, all users need only to choose a name for themselves (the password field remains blank). Access to e-lab is first-come-first-served.

How do I make a reservation?

Currentlly, IST does not have a reservation policy, but maintains the right to do so, with regular access maintained, if possible.

Are the experiments recorded previously?

Nope. All e-lab experiments run live as soon as the user clicks the "play" button (unless there are users waiting in queue). There are, however, some virtual labs with simulated experiments. In this case, the e-lab platform will have a different background color and is shown in a different window.

Why is there a waiting queue to use a certain experiment? Do I always have to wait in line?

Because there are physical setups for each experiment (and some setups serve multiple experiments), there can be only one user active user at a given moment. This means that when you press play, you will be put in a queue. When it's your turn, the software automatically runs the experiment with the parameters you have chosen. When it's done, it shows you the results and moves on to the next user. However, the data each user took is available to all users, so if someone else runs the experiment the parameters you want, you can access and use their data.

Is there ans open acess platform to help me process the experimental data?

Yes, fitteia. This platform has graphical fitting for functions, you just have to register for a (free) account.

Exactly what does the “elab.ist.utl.pt:9001 not ok” message mean?

This means that you are running e-lab a computer located behind a firewall, meaning the access ports used by e-lab (9001,9002 and 9003) are not available. This is common practice in some networks with overzealous network administrators (or of the computer itself). To access e-lab, you must ask you network administrator to open these ports or use a computer with less restrictions.

Before using e-lab


Official website

What is Java?

From the official website: Java allows you to play online games, chat with people around the world, calculate your mortgage interest, and view images in 3D, just to name a few. It's also integral to the intranet applications and other e-business solutions that are the foundation of corporate computing. This page in the official website allows you to check what version of Java you computer has.

Onde posso ir buscar a versão correcta da Java Runtime Environment para o meu ambiente?

Normalmente, o próprio browser (o programa que usa para navegar na Internet) consegue perceber qual a versão mais indicada para o seu sistema. Se isto não acontecer, deverá dirigir-se ao site oficial para poder instalar a versão mais recente.

Live Stream

O que é uma live stream?

Normalmente, o Java

Como posso ver as live streams do e-lab?

Muitos programas de media permitem ver streams de video online, como por exemplo:

A equipa e-lab recomenda o VLC.

Onde posso encontrar o VLC para download?

Site oficial da VideoLAN