FREE - Framework for Remote Experiments in Education

From wwwelab
Revision as of 17:42, 12 August 2021 by Ist187344 (talk | contribs)
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  1. TODO Ainda estou a escrever(Rossa)


Build environment

  • Git (2.30.2+)
  • Python (3.7.0+)


Raspberry PI Server (RPI_Server)

Setup python3 environment variable pointing to run the version installed (in this exemple is for python3.7) by:

   $ sudo nano ~/.bashrc

edit it adding to the end:

   $ alias python3="python3.7"

First checkout the project from github:

   $ git clone

then edit the "" file and change the following global variables:

   SERVER = "main_server_IP"
   MY_IP = "RPi_IP"
   SEGREDO = "password"
   PORT = Port_to_comunication
   BINARY_DATA_PORT = Port_to_transfer_Binary_data

Main Server (Main_Server)

This sowftware is the thispatcher of the information. By allowing the communications form the frontend and each RPi_Server responsable for a experience. To install this you need to install at least Python 3.7 and the lib Flask (

Then go to the project from github:

   $ git clone

ADD the new experiment.jpg