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The error field should be used to specify in detail what error was detected.
The error field should be used to specify in detail what error was detected.
== Sent messages (RPi_Server → Main_Server)  ==

Revision as of 01:17, 22 August 2021


Build environment

  • Git (2.30.2+)
  • Python (3.7.0+)


Raspberry PI Server (RPI_Server)

Setup python3 environment variable pointing to run the version installed (in this exemple is for python3.7) by:

   $ sudo nano ~/.bashrc

edit it adding to the end:

   $ alias python3="python3.7"

First checkout the project from github:

   $ git clone https://github.com/e-lab-tecnico-ulisboa-pt/RPi_Server-PG

then edit the "main.py" file and change the following global variables:

   SERVER = "main_server_IP"
   MY_IP = "RPi_IP"
   SEGREDO = "password"
   PORT = Port_to_comunication
   BINARY_DATA_PORT = Port_to_transfer_Binary_data

After this changes the RPi_Server is ready to run by typing:

   $ pyhton3 main.py

This will try to connect to the IP defined as SERVER every 10 sec.

Main Server (Main_Server)

This software is the dispatcher of the information. By allowing the communications form the frontend and each RPi_Server responsable for a experience. To install this you need to install at least Python 3.7 and the lib Flask (https://pypi.org/project/Flask/).

Then go to the project from github:

   $ git clone https://github.com/e-lab-tecnico-ulisboa-pt/Main_Server-RexC

Edit the "main.py" file and change the following global variables:

   SERVER = "main_server_IP"
   MY_IP = "RPi_IP"
   SEGREDO = "password"
   PORT = Port_to_comunication
   BINARY_DATA_PORT = Port_to_transfer_Binary_data

After that you need to change or edit this last one variable "segredos",

ADD the new experiment.jpg

the struct of it's the following: {"RPi_IP":{"segredo":"password","nome":"Name_of_the_exp"},...}

Config File (JSON)

In the project of the Main_Server there is a folder called Configs, in there are all the configuration files of the experience linked to the Main_Server. To add a new experiment you just have to copy one of the existing files and change its name to the experiment's and change the parameters in the config file:

Config JSON.jpg

After this changes done you can run the Main_Server, typing the cmd:

   $ start.bat

System architecture

Architecture of the new system. It is possible to observe the different layers of software that separate the users, on the left side of the image, from the experimental apparatus, on the right side of the image.

Communication protocol

To start the connection between the RPi_Server and the Main_Server, when the RPi_Server is turned on, it tries to connect to the Exp_Server server. If not successful, it should wait 10 seconds and try again until it manages to make the connection.

  • Label
  • Label

When the connection is successfully established, the server RPi_Server sends to Main_Servero its ID and Secret. These two variables are then checked on the Main_Server server side as a simple way to authenticate that the connection is coming from an authorized machine. In case of successful verification, the Main_Server responds to the RPi_Server with a message encoded in JSON format that describes the experience to be served by the RPi_Server. This configuration message allows the same RPi_Server program to be adaptable to different experiences with, for example, different numbers of actuators and sensors without changes to the source code. Based on the information contained in this message, the name of the config_file, the RPi_Server looks for the experiment at the indicated address and tries to establish communication with the controller of the experimental apparatus. In order to decouple the RPi_Server from the different communication protocols that each experimental controller may implement, the RPi_Server must communicate with the devices calling a set of standard methods whose implementation must be adapted to suit the target controller.


After this initial configuration, the connection of the RPi_Serverao Exp_Serverand the RPi_Serverto the controller of the experiment, the system is ready for the exchange of messages between the components. The messages exchanged between components were defined following an everything is a string philosophy. Thus, the messages exchanged are JSON-formatted strings in which the JSON fields encode the message to be transmitted. The type of each message is identified by the msg_id field of the message JSON, and for the message sent, the reply, if any, must have reply_id with the same value. In order to be adaptable to various types of experimental apparatus, the system does not store apparatus status information so it is possible to send any of the defined messages at any time. The correct sequencing of messages for the successful operation of the apparatus is the responsibility of other user-controlled software layers.

Sent messages (Exp_Server → RPi_Server)

Message 1

Message sent to transmit the experimental apparatus configuration parameters to the RPi_Server. Parameters must be sent in the config_file field formatted as JSON. The configuration JSON must be adapted to each type of apparatus and to the source code of the interface used.

    "msg_id": "1",

In response, Exp_Serverde will see one of the following messages, indicating the initialization state of the apparatus. In case of successful initialization, the response should be as following:

    "reply_id": "1",
    "status": "Experiment initialized OK"

In case of error, the response is:

    "reply_id": "1",
    "status": "Experiment initialized NOT OK",
    "error": error_description

In this case, the error field can be used to describe in detail the error that occurred on startup, e.g. the experience on the configured serial port could not be found.

Message 2

Message sent to transmit the configuration parameters of an experimental run defined by a user. The parameters of the experimental run must be sent in the config_params field encoded in JSON format. The JSON encoding the configuration parameters must be adapted to each type of apparatus and to the interface source code used.

    "msg_id": "2",
    "config_params": run_config

In response, Exp_Server should receive one of the following messages, indicating the configuration and execution status of the apparatus. In case of successful configuration and execution, the response should be formatted as follows:

    "reply_id": "2",
    "status": "Experiment Running"

In case of error, the response should be as follows:

    "reply_id": "2",
    "status": status_description,
    "error": error_description

The status and error fields should be used to report what state the experimental apparatus was in after the error and specify in detail which error was detected, respectively.

Message 3

Message sent to stop the ongoing experimental run. The behavior when sent to an already stopped experimental apparatus is not specified.

    "reply_id": "3"

In response, Exp_Server should receive one of the following messages, indicating the state of the apparatus. In case of successful stop, the response should be formatted as follows:

    "reply_id": "3",
    "status": "Experiment Stopped"

In case of error, the response should be as follows:

    "reply_id": "3",
    "status": "Experiment didn't stop",
    "error": error_description

The error field should be used to specify in detail what error was detected.

Message 4

Message sent to command the apparatus reset.

    "reply_id": "4"

In response, Exp_Server should receive one of the following messages, indicating whether it was possible to successfully reset the apparatus. In case of successful reset, the response should be formatted as follows:

    "reply_id": "4",
    "status": "Experiment Reseted"

In case of error, the response should be as follows:

    "reply_id": "4",
    "status": "Experiment didn't Reset",
    "error": error_description}

The error field should be used to specify in detail what error was detected.

Message 5

Message sent to request the status of the apparatus.

    "reply_id": "5"

In response, Exp_Server should receive one of the following messages, indicating whether it was possible to successfully determine the state of the apparatus. In case of successful status determination, the response should be formatted as follows:

    "reply_id": "5",
    "status": exp_status

In case of error, the response should be as follows:

    "reply_id": "5",
    "status": "Couldn't get status",
    "error": error_description

The error field should be used to specify in detail what error was detected.

Sent messages (RPi_Server → Main_Server)