Remote Experiment Controller

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Multicast Controller and rec.client

  • Docker (20.10+)
  • docker-compose (1.25.4+)

Hardware Server

  • OpenJDK 11 (11.0.8+)

rec.web (recommended only for testing locally)

  • Docker (20.10+)
  • docker-compose (1.25.4+)

Preparation steps

To create a pendulum experiment, the script allows to create a base experiment for a new pendulum


   Mandatory arguments:
   * 1st argument: Name of the experiment (e.g. worldpendulum)
   * 2nd argument: ID of the experiment (e.g. ELAB_WORLD_PENDULUM)
   * 3rd argument: Pendulum location (e.g. Faro)
   Optional arguments:
   * 4th argument: URL to the video (e.g. rtsp://
   * 5th argument: Pendulum serial device location (default: /dev/ttyS0)

Sample script execution to create pendulum:

   $ ./ wpalentejo ELAB_WP_ALENTEJO Alentejo rtsp:// /dev/ttyS0


Follow the next steps to build and run at target environments.

  • lab.list: Name of the laboratories to build, comma (,) delimited.
  • pendulum.experiment.list: Name of the experiment(s) to build, comma (,) delimited.
  • Hostname where Multicast controller is going to be installed
  • pendulum.multicast.controller.port: Listen CORBA port used to recieve connections from Hardware Server, rec.web and rec.client (default: 9001)
  • pendulum.rec.multicastcontroller.jmxremote.port: Listen JMX port used to recieve connections from rec.web (default: 25001)
  • install.dir: Base directory where Multicast Controller is going to be installed (default: /home/elab)
  • deployment.subdir: Sub directory where Multicast Controller is going to be installed (default: /rec-deployment)


This option only serves testing purposes (install locally a clean environment), Pendulum Hardware Server is not used at this step.

   $ mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Djarsigner.alias="REC" -Dbuild.environment=local

Be aware that a virtual experiment is started by this step, not the pendulum!


Build the project:

   $ mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Djarsigner.alias="REC" -Dbuild.environment=pendulum

Steps to build and deploy ReC at target environments:

  1. TODO Steps

Steps to connect to IST environment:

  1. TODO Steps