Hall of fame

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On this page, we try to collect all nerd contributors to e-lab who have helped in any way to put this project in shape and try to digest their own personal interests.

Horácio Fernandes


Presently I'm an associate professor of the IST's physics department, teaching Micro-controllers, Real-time Control and Electronic and Optics Instrumentation as main courses, besides general physics.

I've created e-lab in the past as an incentive for master students to develop their studies in electronic instrumentation which some of them succeed in publish it as their Master Thesis. By that time I didn't know that this field of science would become what is known presently by IoT.

My scientific research is focused on nuclear fusion devices specifically on (i) diagnostics, (ii) real-time control and (iii) tokamak operation.

José Pedro Pereira

Ivo Carvalho

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Ivo Carvalho received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics engineering from Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal, in 2004, 2008 and 2013, respectively. As an e-lab collaborator, he developed the Remote Thomson experiment. His scientific research started in 2004 in the real-time control and data acquisition area and with time his scientific interests expanded to the areas of machine operation and discharge performance optimisation. Some scientific highlights include the extension of the ISTTOK tokamak alternate current discharges beyond one second of operation and the operation the JET tokamak as fully qualified session leader. He is a member of the JET plasma operations group since 2014 as a secondee from IST. (last updated March/2019)

João Fortunato

Leonardo Pedro

Joao Figueiredo

Pedro Carvalho

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Got my PhD on Fast Tomographic Algorithms for Real-Time Applications at IPFN, with application to ISTTOK and currently (2018) working at JET as Responsible Officer for the Bolometer system and Tomography processing and validation. I have worked on the implementation of the Infra-red protection camera system for the ITER-like Wall (ILW) at JET and have become an expert Operator of this System, participating in most JET experimental campaigns since the ILW was installed. I have also been involved with the development of a program that processed FM Microwave Reflectometry data to produce electron density profiles at JET and ASDEX-Upgrade; and was a part of the team that implemented the interface between ASDEX's real-time control software and the lower plant level, MARTe framework that is planned to operate on some control systems at ITER. Had also a collaboration in tomography algorithms for Wendelstein7-X and fast camera image analysis at TJ-II. Developed the Aleatorio experiment during e-lab's first few years, as the thesis of the Graduate Degree in Physics Engineering. It consists of an apparatus that shuffles some dice and takes a picture of the result and then counts the spots, gathering statistics with every throw.

André Neto

Josué Lopes

Tiago Pereira

Hugo Alves

Rafael Henriques

André Duarte

João Loureiro


A native of Lisbon, João studied at IST where he got the MSc Degree in Engineering Physics. He has always had a strong interest in experimental physics, and in particular in plasmas and fusion. This eventually became his field of work when he started collaborating with e-lab during his BSc degree. What started as course's final project, evolved into a master project where two Plasma-themed e-lab experiments where developed: Langmuir probe and the Paschen Curve experiments. When he's not maintaining the Langmuir probe experiment he is working with magnetically confined nuclear fusion devices in IPFN in the context of his PhD.

Rui Figueiredo

Ruben Marques

Samuel Balula

Pedro Black

Miguel Batista

Manuel Santos

Ruben Valentim Cardoso

Rui Dias